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Interview Question Types

Congratulations, you've landed an interview! We understand that facing an interview can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. To help you navigate you through the interview questions, we've compiled a guide to various question types and some valuable advice on how to tackle them effectively. 

Behavioural Questions: Focusing on your past experiences:

Recruiters and hiring managers often use behavioral questions to assess how candidates handled situations in the past. These questions aim to uncover your problem-solving abilities, interpersonal skills, and decision-making processes. When responding, use the STAR method: Situation, Task, Action, Result (read our next article to find out more on the STAR method). Share a specific example from your past that demonstrates your skills and achievements.

Example of a behavioural question:

"Can you describe a time when you faced a challenging deadline and how you managed to meet it?"

Situational Questions: Assessing your problem-solving skills

Situational questions present hypothetical scenarios to evaluate how you would handle specific challenges on the job. When confronted with these questions, focus on your thought process, demonstrating logical reasoning and the ability to analyse situations critically. Hiring managers ask these questions to predict how you would act if you faced a situation similar to this in the future. 

Example of a situational question:

"How would you handle a conflict within your team to ensure a positive resolution?"

Technical Questions: Proving you have the right skills for the role

For technical roles, be prepared for questions that assess your knowledge and proficiency in relevant tools, systems, or equipment. Review the job description and ensure you are up-to-date on the technical skills required for the position. Provide clear and concise explanations, showcasing your expertise.

Example of a technical question:

"Can you explain the process of troubleshooting a technical issue in [specific technology or software]?"

Competency-Based Questions: Evaluating your core skills

Competency-based questions target specific skills essential for the job. These questions help recruiters and hiring managers understand your capabilities and whether you align with the businesses values. Tailor your responses to highlight experiences that showcase your proficiency in key competencies.

Example of a competency question:

"How do you prioritise tasks and manage your time to meet deadlines effectively?"

Cultural Fit Questions: Assessing your alignment to the company & its values

Businesses are keen to ensure candidates not only possess the required skills but also fit seamlessly into the company culture. Expect questions that delve into your work style, values, and compatibility with the organisation's mission.

Example of a cultural fit question:

"How do you contribute to a positive team culture, and how do you handle conflicts within a team?"

Navigating the mass of interview question types requires preparation, self-reflection, and the ability to articulate your experiences effectively. By anticipating these question types and practicing your responses, you'll approach your interview with confidence, demonstrating your suitability for the role. Luckily, our experienced Specialists take the time ahead of your interview to ensure you are confident in all of these question types but it won’t hurt to get ahead beforehand to ensure you ace your upcomign interview! 

Interview Question Types

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